Full-Time Teacher

Full-Time Kindergarten Teacher Job Description (PDF)

Full-Time Elementary Teacher Job Description (PDF)

Charlotte Mason Community School (CMCS) is a K-8 Christian school in the city of Detroit. CMCS offers a liberal arts education based on the philosophy and methods of Charlotte Mason, which fosters the development of great minds and wide interests while nurturing each child’s relationship to God and the world He created. Our vision is for all students to grow in a love of learning that extends beyond the classroom, for their good and the good of their communities.


CMCS is looking for teachers who agree with the CMCS Statement of Faith and are active in a faith community as professing Christians. We want teachers who have genuine respect for the poor and for people of different race, faith, and social conditions. Teachers should be certified with a degree in education and also be willing to learn the Charlotte Mason philosophy and methods of education. As personal learning proceeds, teachers would be expected to implement CM methods. In addition, teachers should be able to communicate their philosophy and practice of classroom management and discipline. Teachers would be expected to manage and engage students with interesting and productive lessons.


Full-time classroom responsibilities:

  • Teaching core academic and liberal arts classes including reading and literature, writing, math, science, and history 

  • Writing weekly lesson plans

  • Sending regular classroom updates to parents 

  • Planning nature study lessons 

  • Helping students memorize poetry or Scripture for Christmas and End-of-Year recitals 

  • Attend the recitals 

  • Planning field trips 

  • Monitoring students during lunch and recess 

  • Attending staff meetings and professional development sessions 

  • Writing end-of-term student evaluations 

  • Maintaining regular contact with parents 

  • Facilitating  parent teacher conferences 

  • Meeting regularly with the Principal and/or Teacher Coach to review methods, curriculum, management and discipline issues or student concerns  In the summer months, the teacher would study the Charlotte Mason philosophy, read, meet with the school administrator for discussion, and begin preparation for classes. This would involve regular communication via email or phone and periodic meetings in person.

Charlotte Mason Philosophy and Methods responsibilities:

  • Reading about and studying the Charlotte Mason philosophy 

  • Meeting with the school administrator in person or online for discussion and questions 

  • Preparing for classes using Charlotte Mason ideas and methods

Application Instructions

Please send resume and cover letter to CMCS Principal, Chrisara Moore, at chrisara.moore@charlottemasoncs.org.