At CMCS we recognize that our school is the result of parents and educators working together to provide a quality education for our children   Families partner with us each year by committing to participate in school activities 4 hrs/month throughout the school year (a total of 40 hrs/school year).

  • Review the Parent Handbook to learn more about our education and guidelines


In a recent parent survey, 100% of parents said that their children were receiving a high quality education at CMCS.

CMCS educators view each child as a person with unique gifts and abilities from God. These gifts are cultivated through a broad and challenging curriculum. The overall value of a CMCS education cannot be measured in the test scores, although they are impressive. The real value is in children loving to learn in children growing in relationship to God, themselves, other people, and the world in which they live; and children and parents together awakening to knowledge, beauty and truth.

My children have never been so excited about school and learning as they are now. Before this, when my wife or I would ask, “What did you learn in school today?” the answer would be “I don’t know” or “nothing.” Now we don’t even have to ask; they come in and tell us about what the teacher read to them, how they built a tepee, what they did in art class, who they are studying in picture study and what they found in nature study. Amazing, I tell you, amazing!
— Garland Best, CMCS Parent